Thursday, October 23, 2008

You want me to WHAT?!

I just realized my temporary job ends this week, so I've started the painstaking hunt for new employment. So far, the ad that's made me laugh the most is:

Sell 'No Soliciting' Stickers - - Door To Door

Yup. For serious. This is indeed real. Really. Truly. Believe. Ya know ya want to. For your further enjoyment here's the description...see I told ya it's legit:

This is for anyone that would like to make some extra cash in their free time like after class or work or whatever. I have tons of 'No Soliciting' stickers that I sell door to door for $5 a piece and I do pretty well. Im basically offering students or whoever some stickers that they can go sell in their own to make some extra money. You don't have to buy the stickers or anything ill just give them to you but I require $1.50 from every sale you make. So you will get $3.50 every sticker you sell. Just so you know it's really easy and you will sell a lot even if you're not very good. I sold 16 in 2 hours one day.

Let me know if you would like to give it a try and see how much you can make. you can just start with a small amount like 20 stickers if you want.

Call me please if you're interested. Devin 801-995-0877

It's on the wonderful world of
Craigslist. Cheers to the unemployed! :)

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