Saturday, December 13, 2008

An Intelligent Discussion of Desserts of the Frozen Type

What's the deal with Happy Valley frozen yogurt? Sure, it's not half bad....but that only means it's half good. Though, that's not my problem...I think they should be charging half the price . If real ice cream from fancy smancy ice cream shops costs around 4 bucks, why should a similar product with HALF of the calories cost 4 bucks too? You're only getting half as much!!! I think I walked out hungrier than I was before I consumed the frozen dairy treat. And really, charging half the price would almost be overcharging because we all know that frozen yogurt is just a stones throw away from a snow cone. Yet, the price of snowcones even depreciates in the winter because instead of buying crushed ice, we can literally just walk outside, scoop up some of that fluffy white stuff, and make our own for free (well...after paying a few cents for a drizzle of sugary surupy goodness...which technically you don't even have to worry about if your fortunate enough to find that extra special naturally yellow snow...pssshhh...and I bet that it even has more vitamins and minerals than frozen yogurt even with organic fruit topping!). What about Hawiaan Ice , you may ask? Well, they can charge more for that than a snow cone because of the's exotic. That's saying something. It may be rediculous, but really...we do it all the things for the name that is. I mean, you could see the same red T-shrit at the Gap and buy it for 30 bucks just because it says "GAP," when you can find the exact same T-shirt at Walmart without the logo for $5. Okay, you're right....Walmart clothing quality is drastically subpar in relation to the Gap (baaad example), but work with me here. Frozen yogurt on the other hand...that doesn't even have a spiffy name. In fact, it brings to mind a crude visualization of sticking Go-Gurts in the freezer for kicks...still definitely not worth 4 bucks thank you very much.

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